Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! I am thankful I got to spend time this Mother's Day with my mom, my grandma, and my aunt...they are three of the absolute best people I know. I definitely would not be who I am without them. Thanks Mom, Grandma, and Aunt Pat for being exactly who you are and for being such great influences in my life. Love today and always!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Highlights of the Week (#4)

this past week went soooooo fast. anyone else feel that way?? my most favorite thing that happened---I got to see my cousin and her husband! they flew down for the weekend because E is in a wedding. before they drove down to Vero Beach though they spent a couple nights at her parents' house. my mom and I drove down after work on Friday to meet them for dinner at Disney. I love seeing them and wish it happened more often. *sigh* 

at any rate, another HotW was trying a new restaurant. I had a coupon for a fondue place so last night the family went with me to check it out. basically it's just like The Melting Pot restaurant except way cheaper and not-a-chain. oh, and it's fantastic. we all ate way too much but it was seriously good stuff. I love trying new restaurants and all the better when they're local, non-chain places. 

and oh yeah, I finally upgraded to an iPhone. I've been wanting one forever but the timing was just never quite right. but, I finally made it work and I picked it up on Thursday. I love it!

have a great week!