Monday, February 28, 2011

Taking a Moment

I'm so excited to be entering my first I Heart Faces photo contest! As soon as I saw the title for this week's challenge ("Anything But a Face"), I knew just which photo to choose. I remember how excited my nephews were last summer to see the Gulf of Mexico for the first time...the beautiful white sand, the amazing color of the water. This picture captures the moment when they stopped just to stare...


  1. Great shot! Thanks for stopping by today, from one ihf newbie to another it's nice to meet you :)

  2. Amy, you are too funny and I miss your face :) You should show it off this summer in Decorah.

  3. WELLLLLLLLLCOMEEEEEEEE to iHeartfaces!! You will LOVE it! It's really addicting. That's your warning. HAHAHAHA

    Oh what a VIEW! I'm HOPING that my 2 younger ones will be able to get their first view and experience of the ocean sometime this year!
